Disclaimer for the site FlashCasinoReviewer.com
FlashCasinoReviewer.com is an informational site that provides reviews and other information about online gambling sites. This site does not promote, endorse, or otherwise encourage gambling or use of gaming sites. This is an information portal only.
FlashCasinoReviewer.com is not responsible for any losses, monetary or otherwise, incurred by users who visit this site. The site will not assume any responsibility for gambling losses that occur from information obtained on this site or for any actions taken on other gambling sites.
FlashCasinoReviewer is a public information site that does not provide any ways to gamble on the site. Therefore, anyone who is under age or is visiting the site from a country that does not permit gambling, is not prevented from accessing this site or any of the information contained therein. All information provided is for general knowledge and not for the purpose of encouraging gambling.
FlashCasinoReviewer is not responsible for the actions or policies of any online casino or online gaming forms that are mentioned on the site or seen in any of the advertisements. This site has no affiliation with these companies other than to review their games and allow their advertising to be placed on the site. Any issues with these gaming sites must be addressed to those individual companies.
FlashCasinoReviewer encourages anyone who participates in online gambling to do so with caution. If any users of this information site believe that they may have a gambling addiction problem, this site encourages the user to seek immediate help for their problem. The UK has several addiction help centres located throughout the country.
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